NEA-New Mexico Member
and Community Awards
Keleher & Mcleod Scholarship
All eligible NEA-NM certified and educational support members are invited to apply for the Keleher and McLeod Distinguished Scholarship Award. The award is presented yearly to a NEA-New Mexico member or members who will be taking classes (on-line or on campus) at the University of New Mexico.
The Keleher and McLeod Law Firm created an endowment at the University of New Mexico, earnings from which are to assist an NEA-NM member or members in furthering their education each summer. The firm represented the Public Service Company of New Mexico in a lawsuit against several natural gas producers in the San Juan Basin in the early 1980’s. The seven original plaintiffs in the suit included five NEA-NM leaders who, with the support of the Association, desired to see the price of natural gas reduced for residential customers and school districts.
The scholarship will consist of a sum to help cover the cost of summer school tuition and books for coursework that will be beneficial to school employees in the performance of their jobs. Deadline for submission is by the second Friday of May each year.
Hall of Fame and Special Recognition
The NEA-New Mexico Recognition Committee and Board of Directors honor our selected recipients on an annual basis. We wish to promote these awards and hope you can identify possible recipients in your local that would fit the criteria of the awards.
Please share with your colleagues and submit nominations to your local president or region chair. Learn more about each award below!
Tips for Award Nominators
Enlist the help of others (maybe during a region meeting) and make it a group effort.
- Click on the Nomination Form link for each category to find out what documents are required to complete an award nomination.
- Enlist the help of volunteers (maybe during the same region meeting) to obtain various segments. For example, depending on the award required documents, one person could:
- Obtain or write a Statement of Worthiness and email it as a pdf attachment to the nominator.
- Obtain or write a letter of support and email it as a pdf attachment to the nominator.
- Obtain or write another letter of support and email it as a pdf attachment to the nominator.
- Obtain supporting documents and email them as a pdf attachment(s) to the nominator. If these docs are certificates, articles, etc., scan and save as a pdf and email as an attachment(s) to the nominator.
If others will do one task, the nominator will have all the required documents to upload and submit a nomination successfully via the nomination link.
Advocate of the Year
- Honors members who have shown ex-emplary program delivery in an NEA-New Mexico program area (i.e. education issues, communications, political action, employee rights, etc.).
- NEA-New Mexico will reimburse the honoree’s state membership dues for the upcoming year.
- This Award is presented to one member who is a current active member of NEA-NM at the time of nomination.
- The Board of Directors will choose from the region award recipients.
- Submission deadline: No later than the last Friday of February. The award will be given at the next following Delegate Council.
Nomination Form: Advocate of the Year
ESP of the Year
- Honors members who have shown exemplary service to education, the Association, children, and the community.
- The NEA-New Mexico awardee will be nominated for NEA ESP of the Year the following school year. In the event the nominee no longer qualifies for active ESP membership, the Board of Directors will select an alternate to submit for the NEA ESP of the Year Award.
- NEA-New Mexico will reimburse the honoree’s state membership dues for the upcoming year.
- This Award shall be presented to one member who is a current active ESP member of NEA-NM and has been presented an ESP of the Year Award at the region level.
- Submission deadline: No later than the last Friday of February. The award will be given at the next following Delegate Council.
Nomination Form: Education Support Professional of the Year
Human & Civil Rights
- Recognizes an active member who advocates for equal opportunities for all students.
- State or Region nominees may be submitted to NEA for recognition through the NEA Human and Civil Rights program in the appropriate category.
- A donation of $250.00 will be made by NEA-New Mexico in the name of the honoree to a local, state or national organization/program of the honoree’s choice. The recipient shall be a promoter of Human and Civil Rights and a supporter of NEA’s core values.
- This Award shall be presented to one member who is a current active member of NEA-NM at the time of nomination.
- The Board of Directors will choose from the region award recipients.
- Submission deadline: No later than the last Friday of February. The award will be given at the next following Delegate Council.
Nomination Form: Human and Civil Rights
NM Teaching Excellence Award/The NEA Foundation Award
- Honors members who have shown exemplary service to education, the Association, children, and the community.
- Nominees must be active members for a minimum of three years.
- An honoree from each region will be selected and receive a $250 cash award. The state awardee will receive a check for $1,000 and will be nominated for The NEA Foundation Award.
- This Award is presented to a current, active member of NEA-New Mexico who will be presented the same award at the region level.
- Submission deadline: No later than the Monday before Thanksgiving. The award will be given at the next following Delegate Council.
Nomination Form: New Mexico Teaching Excellence
Hall of Fame
The Hall of Fame is a prestigious award presented to NEA-New Mexico members who have been retired for a minimum of 2 years, have served and worked for the good of the organization, and public education in New Mexico. A special Hall of Fame Reception is held preceding the Annual Delegate Council.
- Submission deadline: No later than the last Friday of February.
Nomination Form: Hall of Fame
Friend of Education
- Presented to one individual or group outside of the Association or the field of education.
- Honors exemplary service to education, the Association, children, and the community.
- Submission deadline: No later than the last Friday of February. The award will be given at the next following Delegate Council.
Nomination Form: Friend of Education
Business Friend of Education
- Presented to one business entity or organization honoree outside of the Association or the field of education.
- Honors exemplary action or commitment to public education in New Mexico.
- Submission deadline: No later than the last Friday of February. The award will be given at the next following Delegate Council.
Nomination Form: Business Friend of Education
Parental Involvement
- Presented to one parent(s) or person(s) serving as a parent.
- Recognizes and honors the role parents play in the education of their children through involvement in the education process.
- Submission deadline: No later than the last Friday of February. The award will be given at the next following Delegate Council.
Nomination Form: Parental Involvement
Administrator Award
- Honors member administrators who have shown exemplary service to education, the association, children, and the community.
- The Board of Directors will choose from the region award recipients.
- The Board of Directors may choose an honoree(s) if none presented by a region in recognition of exemplary services on a statewide basis.
- Submission deadline: No later than the last Friday of February. The award will be given at the next following Delegate Council.
Nomination Form: Administrator Award